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Saturday, 20 August 2022

How painful is molestation for every woman

How painful is molestation for every woman
Sexual harassment is any sort of unwanted sexual contact with a woman. The woman's physical and mental health are both impacted, and safety is also an issue. Any woman can become a victim of sexual harassment. It's unrelated to her age, gestures, or attire. Sexual harassment results from treating a woman solely in terms of her sexuality. This violates the rights of women and devalues their Laboure. 16th of December, 2016 The Nirbhaya tragedy and the Delhi gang rape incidents horrified the entire nation, and ever since, coordinated campaigns against sexual assault and women's protection have spread throughout the nation. The general public's attitude toward sexual violence is currently quite favorable. However, we will need to put in more effort if we want to solve this issue. The global community is concerned about the rise in sexual violence. Reason of sexual harassment Family disintegration and a decline in social awareness Families that are split up have negative effects on the kids. When there were joint families in the past, there was a lot of love among the members. With the so-called growth of today, damage is growing. Families became wealthier, but parental consent dropped. While the closeness was reduced, the degrees rose. People have interacted less, there has been a decline in mutual understanding and trust, and children are raised in a cultureless atmosphere, with the negative impacts quickly becoming apparent.
How painful is molestation for every woman

Side effects of media Youth are suffering greatly as a result of electronic media, including movies, pornographic websites, the internet, special excursions, etc. All directions are pointing in the wrong direction. The youth demographic is already inferior as a result of the collapse of the family, and the porn industry is at its highest point ever.
How painful is molestation for every woman
How to stop harassment Every school and institution should require girls to take combat, karate, and self-defense classes. It should be illegal to access any websites that aim to promote sexual violence, pornography, or sexuality. In order for any woman to file a complaint, there should be a women's protection committee in every city and town. All such movies that depict crime against women have to be outlawed. In every organization, women should hold one-third of the positions. Special tribunals for women should be established for situations involving violence against women. in which at least 3/4 of the participants are female. In order to ensure that no case is left unresolved, several female judges should be chosen. The teaching of Indian culture should be made mandatory, and every school and college should make an attempt to do so. image copy on

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