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Tuesday, 6 October 2020

pollution and impact on environment

Our Environment

An environment includes all things like living and inanimate things. It can be classified as a natural environment or a built-in environment. 

There are some things to keep in mind while writing Environmental composition. A natural environment can be defined as something that has been in existence for a long and it's the one that has been created by man. Nature use is polluted due to unnatural factors. Human causes like a volcanic eruption the nature that is primarily responsible for the people are responsible for the pollution caused to the environment for their own personal motives. write upon environment must essentially have the causes that affect the ecosystem. Humans find it incredibly challenging to adapt to changes in the environments they now inhabit. Nowadays, man-made environments are more notable than those that are naturally occurring. The main causes of problems include global warming, land degradation, pollution, and so forth. ? These are the great dangers faced by everyone as a result of negligence. then the environmental and the caustic human environmental pollution. The majority of people are accountable for the environmental harm they generate due to personal reasons. write environment must essentially have the causes that affect the ecosystem. Humans find it exceedingly challenging to adapt to any changes in the environments they are born and raised in. The Environment built by humans has become more noteworthy than the natural ones in days times. the root causes of problems including pollution, land degradation, and global warming. are big dangers due to the negligence of all.

Man -Environment Relationship

Air pollution-burning of fossil fuels in large quantities from jet aircraft, CFCs used in aerosol spray cans, refrigerators, and farm blowing is responsible for the depletion of ozone to 3-4% In the last 100 years. Water Pollution - Petroleum leaks into the ocean from large ships and oil tankers, causing oil
Marine resources are based on marine life and for humans to spread rapidly in the water and spell disaster.
The most widespread source of water pollution is sewage in urban centers of rivers. The Ganges and the Jamuna are thus polluted and the same rivers also supply inland water. Ocean waters are polluted by the discharge of sewage from cities located along the coast. Land degradation, caused by the disposal of solid waste from urban centers and mining waste, renders the land unfit for any purpose. Surface currents flow from such areas and contaminate groundwater. Irrigation land is another example of saline occupancy land.
In semi-arid regions in the fall, large amounts of sand accumulate in the lands as a result of wind action making them unfit for agriculture. This indicates that the process has begun in The desert.

What is Pollution?

Pollution, we hear it every day in schools, and colleges and read it in the newspapers. So what is it? Pollution occurs when pollutants pollute the natural environment; Which brings about changes that adversely affect our normal way of life. Contaminants are the main component or component of pollution which is usually individual waste material Form. Pollution upsets the balance of our ecosystem and environment. Pollution has reached its climax with modernization and development in our lives; Global warming is giving birth to human diseases.

Impact of Technologies on
Technology has also created problems for people. With the pollution of the environment, various and deadly diseases are appearing. Distribution These diseases are very dangerous to humans. Due to health products, pollution, and various expenses Illness, which attacks people, has increased health costs. On the other hand, the government is also facing problems, as they will have to pay for health insurance, and efforts will be made to eradicate deadly diseases, their costs will also increase; They will be unable to work due to human diseases, thus again reducing the problem for the government in terms of GDP
(And production will decline)

Air Pollution - When the atmosphere is
loaded with poisonous gases that were then released from
industrial or other economic activities, it
results in polluting the atmosphere and
the air in the environment. This is nothing but air pollution.
Water Pollution - With the natural water
Considering the daily depletion of resources, water
scarce commodity. However, even now, many pollutants from different sources have contaminated the water sources, rendering them unsafe for human consumption.
Garbage contamination results from an accumulation of waste when normal waste disposal procedures are not followed. Therefore, the only way to solve this problem is to make sure that there is an effective trash disposal system that does not pollute the environment.
The World's Serious Environmental Issues Today

With the origin and evolution of science and technology, mankind has benefitted in a lot of ways. No wonder how much technology has helped humankind to develop and flourish, it is quite saddening to state that it has proved to bring detrimental consequences as well. Dozens of environmental problems have aroused because of the improper use of technological advancements. Well, it would be quite unfair to blame technology on a whole, after all, it's the human beings who are actually responsible for this. It is high time that we realize the dangers of these alarming problems and take strict actions to cope with them. Major Environmental issues the World is facing these Days The world is definitely facing some severe environmental problems these days. Here are some of the major environmental issues we need to curb. Pollution One of the most common problems in the current time is pollution. And the best part is it comes in different forms. it takes millions of years for the pollution of soil, air, and water to recuperate The contamination of air, water, or sol is considered pollution and it is one of the biggest problems the world is facing these days.
The global crisis of Waste Disposal
This is one of the most underrated and ignored environmental problems. Waste disposal s one of the most terrifying issues the entire world s dealing with. The use of non-biodegradable products contributes to this problem.

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